Sunday, June 21, 2009
Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

Dr. Jan Rozzelle and Carol Scearce – Leading Teams to Improve Literacy K-12
Boundary spanner: Rozzelle takes W&M research to public schools (video)
Angel Seiders – Relational Leaders using a United Focus to Get Staff Buy-in
Monday, June 22, 2009
Dr. Freeman Hrabowski - Opening Session
Academic Leadership: Creating a Climate of Success for All Students
Dr. Hrabowski is interviewed by Dr. Julian Bond (video).
Alan November - Morning Session The Digital Learning Farm 3 Skills Students Need to Succeed (video)
Dr. Steven Edwards - Afternoon Session
Leading in a 21st Century Paradigm
Video Clip of School Leadership: Leaders for Today and Tomorrow
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Dr. Donna Ford - Morning Session
Creating Rigorous Culturally Responsive Classrooms
Closing the Achievement Gap (video)
Dr. Carl Glickman - Closing Session
From Jefferson to Obama and Beyond: Essential School Leadership for the Next Generation of Engaged and Thoughtful Citizens
Articles, research reports, and books
Most of the Australian territory 우리카지노 is covered by a nationwide park with wetlands and waterfalls drawing hikers into the rainforest there