Freeman Hrabowski, III shares how the rapid and dramatic demographic and technological changes present our nation’s schools with enormous challenges for educating students in the new century. Among the most critical questions we face are what will students need to know in order to succeed academically, and what skills and values must they possess? What strategies and best practices can educational leaders use, working together with parents and community leaders, to ensure rigor, elevate academic achievement, and support the success of all students. Answers to these questions will substantially influence how well students achieve academically and, ultimately, America’s global competitiveness and the civic engagement of its citizens in the first part of the 21st century.
He is the author of Overcoming the Odds.
Please share your thoughts about his messsage at the National Leadership Academy in the comments section.
Wow! I have worked with low-achieving african-american males and females and was very attuned to Dr. Hrabowksi's comments. In my work, we struggled and struggled for the students to believe in the value of their accomplishments and positive achievement was foreign to them. Parents cannot teach to their children what they do not know and children cannot value what is foreign to them. Engaging our students is a huge problem and having them understand the magnitude of their legacy. What a project with which to be involved. Thank you, thank you!