Angela Seiders, a current middle school principal gets "it." Effective relationships with staff is a powerful and necessary component of positive change in schools. Angie asks, "as an administrator do you feel like a lone captain of your ship?" If so, "come learn how building relationships can get all hands on deck." The session focuses on cultivating strong working relationships between teachers and instructional leaders. In this interactive session, research-based ideas from the field will be modeled and shared so that instructional leaders can use or adapt the strategies to their setting.
The tone of this session was set from the engaging music to inviting leis which quickly transitioned to the sharing of "lifesavers" for building relationships. Numerous ideas and sample materials were modeled and shared.
Angie is the co-author of People First.
Please use the comments section to share your experiences in this workshop at the National Leadership Academy.
Wow...what a great presentation! I thought Angie did a fantastic job of presenting her information and knowledge in such a powerful and motivating way. I came out of there with some great ideas that I cannot wait to try out! Thank you for a great session!